The first one was such a hit we were asked to do it again! Round 2 of working equitation with masters level riders Matt French and Sarah Pinney... This time around the clinic consisted of both obstacles and dressage. Riders were split into two groups and had had an opportunity to ride with both clinicians. Matt French taught obstacles, while Sarah Pinney was on dressage with riders ranging from level 1 to level 4.
This clinic was geared towards preparing riders to show. Everyone rode over a course of 10 obstacles with Matt learning all of the dos and don'ts of each one. All riders got to ride all of the obstacles multiple times, and had valuable one on one time with Matt. Down below we had Sarah working her group on dressage basics. Each rider had the chance to ride a dressage test at their level and got valuable feedback. Once the morning sessions finished we all sat down for another fabulous catered lunch where everyone had the chance to pick the minds of Matt and Sarah. Once lunch finished, we broke off for afternoon sessions. The day ended with everyone ready to rock and roll for Sundays schooling show judged by Sarah.